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Vacancies for Restaurant Manager Jobs at Goodwin Recruiting Company, USA

    Are you interested in working as a restaurant manager? Restaurant management is a field that requires a high level of customer service and a good customer service reputation. There are a variety of different jobs that are available for restaurant managers.


    Application is currently invited from suitably qualified candidates who have the required skills, experience, and expertise to succeed in the position.

    Application is open to both full-time and part-time employment seekers. It’s important to note that there would be equal opportunity to all applicants throughout the recruitment process as required by the law.

    Job Description

    Restaurant managers are responsible for providing an excellent customer experience and solving any problems. Their role is to ensure that the restaurant is always clean, maintains high quality standards and offers friendly service to its guests.

    All applicants are required to have exceptional leadership and management, friendly and positive attitude, capable of thriving under pressure and excelling in a fast-paced environment as well as able to meet the physical demand of the job.

    Hiring Organization Goodwin Recruiting
    Post Name Restaurant Manager
    Qualification At least 3-5 yrs in a supervisor or management role
    Industry Private
    Employment Type Full-Time
    Work Hours 8 Hours
    Salary $55,000 to $60,000 Annually
    Location Lincoln City, OR, USA 97367

    Job Duties and Responsibilities

    Restaurant managers are responsible for overseeing the operations of a restaurant. They manage the menu and products offered, oversee staff performance, and ensure that health and safety regulations are followed. They also oversee financials and develop budgets.

    Job Skills and Requirements

    A restaurant manager must be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the food and beverage industry and the various ingredients and dishes served. Additionally, they need to have good organizational skills, problem-solving skills, exceptional communication skills, strong leadership and management skills, friendly and positive attitude.

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    The average salary for a restaurant manager is usually in the region of $50,000 per year or $25.64 per hour, although some states pay even more. However, there are several factors to consider when setting the salary for a restaurant manager. If you have experience running a restaurant, then you will probably earn more than a chef or a server.

    Now is the right time for you to work in a diverse environment with some of the growing teams in the country. All you need to do is to prepare your resume with the necessary requirements and proceed to continue with your application for the position.

    Click Here To Apply For This Job

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