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Vacancies for Customer Service Representative Jobs at Red Arrow Company, Canada

    If you are a person who loves working with customers, you can consider working as a Customer Service Representative. You’ll be responsible for providing excellent customer service and dealing with a variety of issues and complaints.


    Application is currently invited from suitably qualified candidates who have the required skills, experience, and expertise to succeed in the position.

    Application is open to both full-time and part-time employment seekers. It’s important to note that there would be equal opportunity to all applicants throughout the recruitment process as required by the law.

    Job Description

    A Customer Service Representative is responsible for handling complaints and inquiries made by customers and provides accurate information on products and services. This job also requires knowledge of company policies, contract details, processing procedures, and government regulations.

    All applicants are required to have exceptional customer service skills, capable of thriving under pressure and excelling in a fast-paced environment as well as able to meet the physical demand of the job.

    Hiring Organization Red Arrow
    Post Name Customer Service Representative
    Qualification Previous customer service experience
    Industry Private
    Employment Type Part-Time
    Work Hours 8 Hours
    Salary CA$16 Hourly
    Location Calgary, AB, Canada T1X 0L3

    Job Duties and Responsibilities

    The duties of a customer service representative will vary depending on the company, but most will include some of the same things which include but not limited to; responding to customers inquiries and concerns, reaching out to customers to announce new products and services, ensure the maximum satisfaction of customers, and the proper interaction with customers

    Customer service representatives work with customers to answer their questions and solve their complaints. They also interact with managers and supervisors and record their interactions. experience.

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    Job Skills and Requirements

    Customer Service Representative jobs require a specific set of skills and qualifications which include; high school diploma, customer service skills, exceptional communication skills, good organization skills, impeccable interpersonal skills, efficient time management skills, friendly and positive attitude

    Although employers often prefer candidates with retail experience, anyone with a high school diploma and basic customer service training is qualified to apply for these positions. You can get this training online or at a community college.


    A customer service representative’s salary is typically around $32,139 per year or $16.48 per hour, although the exact figure can vary depending on the company and years of experience.

    Now is the right time for you to work in a diverse environment with some of the growing teams in the country. All you need to do is to prepare your resume with the necessary requirements and proceed to continue with your application for the position.

    Click Here To Apply For This Job

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